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How To Remove Scratches From A Car’s Interior Trim




How To Remove Scratches From A Car’s Interior TrimHow To Remove Scratches From A Car's Interior Trim - Scratched Surface

In many cars, especially luxury cars, there is an accented wood-like interior trim accenting the car. These surfaces scratches not only look unpleasant but can also hurt the value of your car whether you are attempting to sell it or returning a lease. So let’s learn how to remove scratches from a car’s interior trim.


  • Blue Painter’s Tape
  • Meguiar’s Scratch X 2.0: Fine Scratch and Blemish Remover
  • Meguiar’s Ultimate Paste Wax: Pure Synthetic Polymer
  • 2 Microfiber cloths (we recommend two colors to make distinguishing them easy)

(*Disclaimer: We chose these items and are not sponsored by Meguiars in any way.)


Step One

Applying scratch remover to the cars interior trim.

The first step is to take the blue painter’s tape and outline the trim of the car. You do not want to get these compounds onto the surrounding materials. It will be very difficult to remove and may stain the leather.

Step Two

Apply a small amount of the scratch remover to the first microfiber cloth. Make sure you don’t over do it here, there only needs to be enough on the cloth to lightly cover the entire trim area. Then simply rub the compound back and forth across the area until the compound is evenly dispersed and any swirl marks and scratches are no longer visible. If after a couple minutes you still see scratches, you may need to apply more of the compound. Once you have filled in all of the scratches, move to a dry area of the microfiber cloth and wipe down the area to remove any extra compound that was not used.

Step Three

Using wax on a cars interior trim.

Now switch to the other microfiber cloth and apply a small amount of compound wax to the cloth as well. Apply the wax in the same way you applied the scratch remover to the trim only. Remember not to get the wax on anything else, especially leather.

Step Four

Wait. Give the wax a minute or two to dry (maybe longer in shaded areas). You will start to see the excess wax starting to haze. Switch to a clean dry area on the microfiber cloth and with gentle pressure wipe off the excess wax. After you wipe it down the first time, choose another dry area and repeat the wipe down.


Cars interior trim after scratch removal.

Now that your scratch remover has been applied, the wax compound has be applied and excess has been cleaned off the only thing left to do is remove the blue painters tape and enjoy your brand new (looking) car trim. Now that you know how to remove scratches from a car’s interior trim, car enthusiasts and beginners alike can use to make their interior car trim look as beautiful as the day they bought it.

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