Hex Nut Snowman Ornaments on Holiday Tree

DIY Hex Nut Snowman Ornament

Difficulty Level: Easy
Time Required: 15 minutes (plus drying time)
Cost: Under $10
Age: 6+ with adult supervision
Watch How It's Made

Materials Needed

Snowman Body Nuts:

  • M12 hex finish nut (or any large size) for base
  • 3/4" hex finish nut (or any medium size) for midsection
  • 5/16" hex finish nut (or any small size) for the head

Hat Options:

  • M6 flange nut
  • Alternative: 1/4"-20 black oxide stainless steel hex finish nut with matching 1/4" black oxide stainless steel flat washer

Additional Materials:

  • 1/8" red and 3/8" green satin ribbons
  • Gorilla Glue

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Select Your Nuts

Select 3 decreasing albanycountyfasteners.com stainless steel nuts. Ensure proper fit when stacked.

Step 2: Assemble Body

Assemble body by gluing nuts (largest to smallest). Use Gorilla glue (2 hr cure time).

Step 3: Prepare Hat

Choose a flange nut (or black oxide nut and washer for hat).

Step 4: Add Ribbon

Thread 6-inch ribbon through the top "head" nut.

Step 5: Thread Hat

Thread ribbon ends through the "hat" nut hole.

Step 6: Position Hat

Position hat centered atop head nut, pulling ribbon taut.

Step 7: Secure Ribbon

Knot ribbon tightly together above hat and trim.

Step 8: Embellish

Add any additional decorative elements using your craft supplies!

Creative Tips

  • Finishing Options: Experiment with different finishes like black oxide for a sophisticated look
  • Size Variations: Mix and match different nut sizes to create a family of snowmen
  • Ribbon Choices: Try different ribbon colors and patterns for variety
  • Display Ideas: Create multiple snowmen to make a charming winter scene

Ready to Build Your Snowman?

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